Whats in Your Backpack?

What’s in your backpack? It’s empty today.

Where’s your work? Did you just play?


 When I built with blocks I learned about shapes.

I balanced and shared – Our skyscraper was great.


I played in the windy house And talked with my friends.

I rocked a baby And played pretend


In science I observed, Guessed, and experimented, too.

The same things grown up Scientists do.


Art was messy. I created and explored.

I solved my own problem When I spilled glue on the floor.


My fingers got a work out With puzzles and clay.

Those same muscles Will help me write one day.


I counted and sorted and And measured, too.

I used my brain Like a math whiz would do!


Out on the playground I ran like the wind.

I learned to take turns And helped a hurt friend.


Story time is whatI always like best.

I can use my imagination And give my body a rest.


I sang and danced - Learned a finger play, too.

I answered questions and said, “Please” and “Thank you.”


There will be time for worksheets and tests,

But talking and playing Is how I learn best.


I love to go to school. I’m glad I’m me.

An empty backpack Means I’m learning, you see!